
Saturday, 12 May 2012

Cambridge Union Splash

LITTLE did I know that my trip to address the Cambridge Union this week would result in a front page splash for the Daily Mail.

And no, it wasn't about me sending the students to sleep as I droned on at the lectern.

After the speech ended, the Union organisers very kindly laid on a really splendid dinner.

Sitting next to me was the former editor of The Tab, the excellent Cambridge on-line journal, Kieran Corcoran.

Kieran, an English undergraduate, had found himself a great scoop for The Tab and was justifiably proud. Female undergrads are being offered £750 by a firm to become egg donors, raising the grim prospect of genetically engineering 'superbabies'.

Not wanting him to deprive the University journal of this astonishing revelation, I insisted that as soon as it was published, he picked up the phone to the Daily Mail and sold them the story.

He did and it is today's front page splash.

Well done Kieran. I think we shall be hearing a lot more from this bright, tenacious fellow in the future.

His article is also on-line here:

* Still haven't blogged about the address yet and there have been many requests to post it all on-line. I'll get around to doing something soon, I've just been a bit busy.


  1. Anonymous12 May 2012 14:43

    Hope he got a nice tip fee cos I can't see his byline..

  2. luke12 May 2012 16:13

    Thanks for sharing this account, interesting

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